Abstracts of all accepted contributions will be printed in the Book of Abstracts. All regular participants will obtain the Book at the Conference site.
Abstract should be prepared according to following instructions:
- Abstract should be written in ENGLISH and saved in DOC/DOCX format.
- The complete Abstract will be ONE PAGE.
- Please download our template and simply replace the instructions with your text. Please save your file starting with your family name.
- Page layout: orientation portrait, page size A4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm), top and bottom margins 2.5 cm, left and right 3 cm. .
- Name(s) should begin with full first name, middle initial and last name. Underline the name of the presenting author of the abstract, otherwise the first author will be taken as the presenting author. Degrees and titles are not required.
- Affiliation(s) should be annotated by superscript numbers. Please include e-mail and WWW of presenting author.
- Use standard abbreviations and place a special or unusual abbreviation in parenthesis after the full word appears. Write numbers as numerals rather than words.
- accepted Regular/Students abstracts will be presented as POSTERS
- based on the selection of Scientific committee, some abstract will be selected for Hot Topic (ca. 15 min) talk, in addition to present the poster
- authors of all accepted Regular/Students contributions will introduce their presentation at Flash Talks (ca. 2 min) before each Poster session
- for abstracts received after submission deadline, we do not guarantee that the abstract will be included in conference program and printed in Book of Abstracts
- a conference fee must be paid, to include the abstract in Book of Abstracts
All posters will be on display during the entire conference week to promote interactions and discussions – we encourage you to mount your posters already on Sunday afternoon, the first day of the conference.
Each poster will be presented on a single board. Please prepare your poster in A0 size (1189 mm high and 841 mm wide), portrait orientation. It is not possible to print posters at the conference site. The Conference Organizers will provide all necessary supplies for mounting the posters (tapes, removable adhesive putty).
Kindly use one e-mail address (institutional preferably) in correspondence with us.